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10 Lines on World Blood Donor Day 2021 | Essay on World Blood Donor Day in English

10 Lines on World Blood Donor Day 2021

10 Lines on World Blood Donor Day 2021

Every year on 14th June, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated. The event was established in 2004 to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products. This day also thanks and acknowledges the blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gifts of blood.



  1. World blood Donor day is celebrated every year on 14th June to rise awareness about blood donation.
  2. The world blood Donald a was established by the W.H.O.
  3. The world blood Donor day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Nobel Prize scientist kathe world blood Donor day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Nobel Prize scientist “Karl Landsteiner”.
  4. This day also appreciate the blood donors for their contribution towards society in improving people’s life.
  5. Donating blood is very beneficial for the donor as well as acceptor.
  6. The main objective is to motivate all the countries to acknowledge blood donors for their precious contribution in saving the lives of the people.
  7. Global camps are organised that the conduct annual seminars, blood donation camps and lectures to commemorate World Blood Donor Day.
  8. The blood donation make the work of blood bank easier.
  9. The blood banks provide easy access to blood through people.
  10. The blood donation is an important procedure in saving human life.

The theme of World Blood Donor day 2021 is give blood and keep the worldthe theme of World blood Donor day 2021 is “Give Blood And Keep The World Beating”.

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