Reindeer or Caribou
Today we have brought you an easy essay on 10 Lines Essay on Reindeer or Some amazing facts about Reindeer. Most people know reindeer as Santa’s ride.
Reindeer and Caribou is so beautiful wild animal, which is a member of the deer family. Reindeer are mammals animal. Reindeer are the only mammals that grow new sets of antlers annually. They have super-intense milk, magical eyes that can change eyes colour as per season, and energy-efficient animals.
The word ultimately comes from Old Norse hirendri, which is composed of haren ‘reindeer’ and diary ‘animal’. In current English, some native speakers consider the word reindeer to be composed of two semantic parts: Bridle + Deer.
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10 Lines Essay on Reindeer in English
- Reindeer are mammals animal.
- Reindeer have magical eyes that change colour.
- The age of reindeer is 15-20 years.
- Reindeer are the only mammals that grow new sets of antlers annually.
- Their noses are specially designed to warm the air before it gets to their lungs.
- Reindeer eats- mosses, herbs, ferns, grasses, leaves etc.
- Reindeer have white tails and necks.
- Reindeer can run at a speed of 37-50 km/h., Swim with 50 km/h speed & it can vertically Jump up to 25 feet.
- The inner part of the Reindeer’s mouth is very unique.
- Reindeer have super-intense milk, It’s the richest and most nutritious milk produced by any other terrestrial mammal.

10 Lines Essay on Reindeer in Hindi
- बारहसिंगा स्तनधारी जानवर हैं।
- हिरन के पास जादुई आंखें होती हैं जो रंग बदलती हैं
- हिरन की उम्र 15-20 साल होती है।
- बारहसिंगा एकमात्र स्तनधारी हैं जो सालाना सींगों के नए सेट उगाते हैं।
- उनकी नाक विशेष रूप से उनके फेफड़ों में जाने से पहले हवा को गर्म करने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई हैं।
- बारहसिंगा खाता है- काई, जड़ी-बूटी, फर्न, घास, पत्ते आदि।
- हिरन की सफेद पूंछ और गर्दन होती है।
- हिरन 37-50 किमी/घंटा की गति से दौड़ सकता है, 50 किमी/घंटा की गति से तैर सकता है और यह 25 फीट तक लंबवत कूद सकता है।
- हिरन के मुंह का भीतरी भाग बहुत ही अनोखा होता है।
- हिरन के पास अत्यधिक तीव्र दूध होता है, यह किसी भी अन्य स्थलीय स्तनपायी द्वारा उत्पादित सबसे समृद्ध और सबसे पौष्टिक दूध है।
Amazing facts about Reindeer
- Reindeer and Caribou are the same animal and are a member of the deer family.
- The age of reindeer is 15-20 years.
- Reindeer are mammals animal, Both males and females grow antlers. The antlers grow quickly – up to 2 cm per day – in a blood-supply-rich material called “velvet”, which is exactly what it looks like. That’s why antlers feel warm as they are growing, they are the only mammals that grow new sets of antlers annually.
- Their noses are specially designed to warm the air before it gets to their lungs.
- Reindeer eats- mosses, herbs, ferns, grasses, and the shoots and leaves of shrubs and trees, especially willow and birch.
- Reindeer (Both) have white tails and necks. They have unique hairs which trap air providing them with excellent insulation and helping them float in water.
- Reindeer hooves expand in summer when the ground is soft and shrink in winter when the ground is hard.
- Reindeer can run at a speed of 37-50 km/h., Swim with 50 km/h speed & it can vertically Jump up to 25 feet.
- Reindeer have magical eyes that change colour. The only mammals whose eyes are known to change color depending on the season. Their eyes are gold during the summer when the reindeer experience almost constant sunlight, but in the darkness of winter their retinas become less reflective and their eyes appear blue.
- The inner part of the deer’s mouth is very unique. They have no upper teeth or incisors in front. Instead, they have a modified hard palate and incisors in the front of their lower jaw that is used to bite and tear plants while feeding. There are large molars in the back of the mouth (both above and below).
- Reindeer have super-intense milk. Its milk is said to be some of the richest and most nutritious milk produced by any terrestrial mammal. It has an impressive 22% butterfat and 10% protein. In comparison, cow’s milk has only 3 to 4% butterfat.
- Some subspecies have knees that make a clicking noise when they walk so the animals can stay together in a blizzard.
- Northernmost species are much lighter in color than the species at the southern end of their range.
- Reindeer have been herded for centuries by several Arctic and Subarctic peoples.

We hope that through 10 Lines on Reindeer you must have got some interesting information about Reindeer or Caribou and which you would have liked. If you like our post then please like and comment on the comment box.